Wednesday, January 28, 2009
T.W.H days 52 Niu Year No 3

Monday, January 26, 2009
T.W.H confuse brain|mind|heart|soul days 50
Haiz,suan bah...find something to express out bah...I still can control my emoction.....自作自受
Saturday, January 24, 2009
T.W.H confuse brain|mind|heart|soul days 49
Later on at night i went to bak tiam again.I went to dan qi house,then we went down there meet many people...just meet many of them,he,she,them,they...many lo...again tat thing make me no mood leh...going to have breakfast at grand river view 2moro...i think
Friday, January 23, 2009
T.W.H confuse brain|mind|heart|soul days 48
In the morning,go to school to play basketball then having breakfast as usual with parent.Didnt go to church today as something happen,these thing need to be cool down then i just can go...Then i went back home at decorate the whole house,this make me even tired...change this change that climb this climb that...
On the other hand in the afternoon,i went out with chen shing,chee yong,agnes and irene...Having fun at mall laughing and so on...I saw joyce at mall too as i think that she duno me..she also think that i didnt recornice her...so baba we both..Oh,today have some mixture again in noodle station My cola add "Hot Almond Milk" + "Ice blended and normal Pink Guava" + "Ice Blended Mango"..Perfect mixture,especially with the milk,i almost vomit...At that time my sis and brother already reach home...very miss them so much...hahaha...Many people hair style look like hers...i almost thought many of them is her..but when i go to have a closer look i almost get dissapointed...Dont say too much about her lah,say dy "put gas"[in chinese] mah.
At night pulok,having bak kut teh for dinner...saw someone again.Then went to 'Bak tiam' play with them again and dan qi too...She introduce her KL friend to me which call 'ivin' and ivin cousen is the one we all say she look like our class treasurer Miss Lee Har Teng ....duno what to say...hahaha...
and holidays le,wish every one Happy Niu Year...and get many many ang pow
Thursday, January 22, 2009
T.W.H confuse brain|mind|heart|soul days 45
I say in many many many time...to get myself in trouble accident again....
Just now went to mall..meet many friends...think of something too..But i decide to wat then wat dy...ignore it...
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
T.W.H confuse brain|mind|heart|soul days 44
Not much that i wan to say...
Horoscope for me at 22th of january :
You have every right to be expressive with your opinions, no matter how popular or unpopular they may be. So say what you feel today and do not worry that what you say could be misconstrued or used against you. When you speak your truth, no one can deny its validity and everyone has to respect it. Stand up, be proud, and say what you think the world needs to hear. The consequences of opening up your heart can be scary, but they are always exhilarating!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
T.W.H confuse brain|mind|heart|soul days 42
Already express some...the other friend[girl] ask me "do you see where she go ?? with that boy.." I know i know...I have a very good eye eh...I tell myself..'忍忍忍 !!!' After that,come the crazy me..I keep on playing and having fun with girls and boy...SO WHAT,if she can why i cannot...Dont think i so stong,lastly i also lost to her...After the activity I pretend that i went home,but the truth is i wait at another side with my motor...
My friend who going to follow me home also ask me
"wan go home liao mah ?"
"wait first..wait another 5 minutes"
After 5 min,start the motor and ride it slowly...At last also worry..so follow the lorong back to school there..We wait at the stall opposite chung hwa..Finally we saw her mom..but unluckily behind the car have ppl drop from the motor..Her mom taught her car been knock or how...ask me to see whether have or not..Then her mom wan wait her till she come out,also dont wan go inside and call her...She is lucky to have a mom that so kind,then i help her to call her.Then I took off again.Not even reach 10 second,i stop by the roadside and tell my friend "eh,worry nih,see she whether have pass the road or not"...We saw her pass the road then i took off for real this time...Haizz...can stop mention dy...pass dy pass dy..Its already present tense...
So now look forward.My friend's birthday is reaching dy,still have about 2hours.Happy Birthday to Mr Teo...Actually i have a surprice for him...but not big enough then that guy's cake...Nevermind i use to it....
Just now I receive my gaji that i work at tesco before...haha damn happy..And also have a very cute baby visit by...He should call me "表uncle"...but i duno how to call him
His name is shen roung

Saturday, January 17, 2009
T.W.H confuse brain|mind|heart|soul
Actually i want someone to accompany me,as i find her yesterday.Because i realy having a bad time yesterday night,but suddenly...just dont mention it.I making myself embarras.May be he is right..."she make u like her..then she treated you like nothing"...Thank for this sentence i finally decide to...You also know la...
I went cut my hair again..this already is the 3rd time for this month.All because of that 'gay lou'.[i met her too while when i going to cut my hair].If this time my hair he say didnt pass...I going to kill him...AHHhhhh,i already felt very fan this recently...family matter/that girl...he come catch hair somemore...crazy one...
Lastly i duno whether realy wan to give up or not....teach me guys...comment plz...but dont too over...ok...thx..
Friday, January 16, 2009
Days without her no 40 days
But still lucky have some happy hour going on..
In the morning...haiz..no need say lah...same old ignore..
Then in the affternoon,follow my mom's friends car went to KB mall...
Here start the happy hours...met some friends...
Kang shen and siang wen...we walk together till it reach the time...
Reach the time for me to go to aunty judy's house..for youth..
As usual...sing...read...pray...then about 7.15
My father came to fetch me..duno why he was on a hot temper..
Then i keep quiet as i know he was unhappy...
Then we reach kebun sultan for dinner...
The place traffic jam...my dad get even angry...
And we went home without having dinner...
He cook magi and i ask my mom to buy something back...
After that he went out for a second...
I try explain to my mom...
When he come back...we quarrel...it was serious...
i dont wish to type anymore...
Hope my family will get better...
Seriously in a dieing mood...
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Days without her no 39 days
Tonight i going to someone party.I dont care,this time i wan to drink...drink...Drunk...
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Days without her no 38 days
Today so suang...We all keep on saying other ppl's father's name...At tuition also the same,kelian shen yeow always been bully by us...It is a cold wheather out there,this few days will be very cold and many people get sick...Its almost new year then so many people sick...It going to flood soon if it does not stop raining...
Today i saw her while recess.She have 'PJ' lesson.Then I tell wei liang and kelvin about her.I duno why,i excited when looking at her....I keep on watching outside from my place...Seeing she pass the form 1 classes...Ohh,she is a girl who always stay in a perfect look.While when after school she just caught a little rain then she already start caring her hair...so 'ai mei'...
Lazy going to school 2moro....
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Days without her no 37 days
Is that a good thing or a bad thing...
Another friend ask...who is 'her' eh...
That secret dy...cannot tell...
Today keep on raining before i even wake up....
My plan that going to school will motocycle failed....
Because of the rain....but i still manage to get wet after school...
She back early...as soon as she went out...she went off...
So i dont have the time to saw her this 2 days...
Got to visit the whole school dy...
See whether my friends are free or not...
I feel tired...wan to sleep early today...
Monday, January 12, 2009
Days without her no 36 days
i also duno...i recount then notice it...
I didnt saw her today...
Duno whether she is sick or what...
Today have to stay back till 3pm...
because of extra classes....
I keep on concentrate on the stair at the kaunselor room there...
I didnt saw her nor the boy...
May be she follow another stair down...
I also look through the window at Bilik APD....
I also didnt saw her...may be she went home early...
Keep on her only....STUDY STUDY....!!!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
2 days things...
Days without her no 34 days
As usual…I went to tuition…
I keep on sneezing…and flue and flue….
Then I stay at home rest...
Didn’t go to Add math tuition…
So boring at home…i should post it yesterday but the line sott...
I going to start my revision dy…
But I still haven’t settle the relationship problems
Hope we can get better soon…
Days without her no 33 days
Today i ride my motor to school there with some friends...
We went there to play basketball....
We try went Chung hwa before...but they have prefect camp...
Luckily the teacher told us kindly...instant of take a broom....
Then since i have time i went to church again...
I dont wan stay too long....
So i arrive there about 10....
I just chat with them then after 1 hours...
I ride home le...I happy she care about it...
But i scare it just for a moment only...
My fever havent recover...then another sickness
Flue and cough...so ma fan de....hate it....
Need to sleep le...2moro have tuition....
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Days without her no 32 days
Today morning while i wake up...
My head keep on paining till after my school...
Then while i went tuition also keep on paining till now...
Today i quite flame at school...
My friends say she say she and he standing at the koperasi there together...
Nvm...i pretend like nothing...but...
That guy stare at me using the side of his eye...
Waliao...wait i be tahan baru know...
These 2 news make my hand become as hard as iron...
2moro still duno wan go there or not...
I hate him...He duno who he dealing with...??!!??!!
Days without her no 31 days
Today just get a little headache..little pening..and fever decrease...
Nothing to blog actually...since i didnt go school..
I just very miss her...
Inside my heart always have something that annouying me..
Are they both already together..??? being a couple..???
Since i have three friends birthdays...
Happy birthday to Lee Teng....07/01/09
Happy birthday to Yong Catherine....08/01/09
Happy birthday to Eveline....08/01/09
Eveline help me many time in many situation...
She such a nice person....
May all your wish will come true
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Days without her no 30 days
Then went to school...after having breakfast with friends....
The whole body of mine feel heat and headache and pening...
Then i ask my friend's parent to fetch me home....
They realy kind....Thank you...
Then sleep the whole day...
Until after dinner..my dad decided to bring me to a klinik...
Doctor Wee...Between the store and guardian....
On the way going there...we pass by kebun sultan
I saw her car...then i keep on watching....
I even open the window wan to wave hand with them at traffic light there...
But unsuccessfully...then i try again...another traffic light..this time her car just behind me..
So i just turn around...and smile to them...
It happy to see her...if happy then i wont be so unhappy...
People say while u unhappy,you are easily sick...
I a little better only...
Ohh,the docktor say i having a serious fever...39degree...
And he say my lung '发炎'...
I not going to school 2moro...so cant see her again...
I wish to tell her i am sick...but i scare she will dislike it...
Better dont contact her bah....
Monday, January 5, 2009
Days without her no 29 days
Today need to stay back till 3pm..Extra classes...
Then straight away tuition bio at 3.30 till 5.00
Then tuition Add math at 6.00 till 7.30
I skip my english tuition start form 8pm
As I am sick,weak,hurt,headache,tired...
Because of 2 days just sleep 4 hours...
But i still look nth in school...
As again...i dont wan let the guy look my pale face...
Today i keep on saying 情敌...情敌...情敌...
Then finally..let me see him...'yong sui' till....
Actually He is waiting for her...
Shxt,i saw they both walk down the stair like couple...
At that time,i definitely wish to dissapear in this world...
While we went in to the Blik APD...
The seat was cover with dust...so dirty...
Then we use tissue to clean it...
When i throw the rubbish...i saw her though the stair window at U6SP1
She was waiting for her mom to fetch her...
I also stand at the stair there watching her...
Scare she been bully or what...
I stand there till her mom come fetch her...
I dont care whether the teacher scold me...
I happy i can saw her...
I need to cool down myself...wan to express all in swimming...
Planning dy...see what time first...
I wish she know how much i like her...
I know I am JEALOUS !!!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Days without her no 28 days
I slept only 2 hours..
As i did my newspapercutting till 4am..
I am tired...sleepy...weak...
But still,I wont let others saw the time i tired,sleepy or tired...
I wont even let that guy saw my weak momment...
I keep on hanging at there...
Making fun,doing crazy thing....
Once i silent because of someone...
Now i going to be the boy who been hurt before...but this time is 2nd..
Skip those thing bah...
Today the whole school went inside the stadium..
First sure is spotcheck...2nd all those new rules and speech thing..
Actually i not so concentrate on hearing what principal was saying..
I just keep on watching someone that sit in a straight line while i looking that ways..
I duno whether she also watching me...or finding another one...
Now is in a dangerous situation...anytime will have a war between the beside...
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Days without her no 27 days
It make me angry…green eye…
The whole body of mine like going hot…
Want to hit thing..but nth can let me hit..
Want to punch the wall, the neighbour and my parent will heard it…
So, I punch my own leg…Ouch, pain pain…!!
Look like all this holidays…
I am the one who always 自作多情..
Duno how to face her in school...
Scare i will think her during lesson...
Haiz..I better change back to the old me...
Better than duno how to face her...
Bleed again...so just use fake and crazy emoction....
Snowball ? Snowman ? I am an idiot...
Friday, January 2, 2009
Days without her no 26 days
At there doing my hmwk on the other hand chatting with my friend..
Then i walk home...as i dont the mood to stay any longer..
Something annouying me...
While on the way home...i meet my friends too..
As he is going home from my house there to 'Kebun sultan' there
I walk walk home and do some house work as every friday need to be done..
Then follow my friends to have a ride outside...
Having some drinks at 'Golden Bean'..
Then they fetch me to church again..for youth fellowship...
Realy staying cool mood at that time...hv the mood in high and low..
High when chatting and laughing...then low again...
Ohh,some of them at there already cut their hair...
They look funny enough...one of them even have a name call 'mushroom head'
After the fellowship...having dinner with my parent...
Duno what happen to them...dont even have a simple smile on their face...
As i think...have trouble again...making me also moody...
I moody enough for someone..now moody about 2 more people...
I just want to have a simple happy life only....
Why cant i have it...!!!! and what she thinking....
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Days without her no 25 days
the new hair still look fine...
Yesterday night have some firework..
I enjoy watching it...
Yesterday not only my house having party,but others too..
I hate to see those guy showing off those simple thing…
That why i lislike being too good with those who really famous one
May be they really clever can invited someone or play with them
But do they need to show off by taking picture and upload in network..
Or bringing them to some party that they will be proud by those simpatic friends
Last night i have a different dream...
But same characters...
Every night different type of story but still the same her in my dream..
2moro may be going there...since have youth meeting...
Another year another tough....must hardworking start now