Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Tuesday|30 March|2009
This morning wake up early..because going to clean the grave...meet some friends..one of my friends parent even try to knock me by a car...miss her...she having some fun at penang...todays moon is smiling...as i ask smone to tell her that...She like moon rather then star...having swimming at renaissaun on the morning...bb
Friday, March 27, 2009
Thursday|26 March|2009
Today just having a bad time...although it is happy that i no need attend classes as i attend for the competition..but still I know my plan work well,but i see dont happy about it...Let start a story...
As 1 pair of couple are happy passing their time..just as they notice that the girl's friends are angry with her as she seldom join them and always with her boyfriends,and they urgue.2 days later the boys recieve a msg by the girl asking whether they can become friend but not boy friend,the boy say 'ok'..the boy try to make her happy so he purposely go to mall to buy the bottle that she like..he even have a special idea what he is going to put inside the bottle to make her happier...finally he drawn a picture of her..he keep on drawing and drawing,because he is not so good at it..he drawn it badly..he ask his friend to help him,finally he did it..he even write some word on the paper... :
This is the paper inside the bottle..he suppose to give it to her...but he dont dare and she girl have give him so clue that they both are ordinary plan.On the other day,while the boy went out and fetch his friend's sister,and those form 2 girl keep on ceering the boy...as they know what happen to the boy...They also give some advice to the boy,and he went home and think...Finally he think of something might help the girl and her friends to be a friends back.As the following week he ignore the girl,but actually he very care her.And there goes some chance...Her friends know that they have broke and the boys keep on doing the bad guy to make the girl's friends hate angry him,and surely they both will automaticly say about the boy and they both be friends back,as for the sacrifice of the boy to be a bad guy was not waste..He purposely pretend to be a bad guy just for the 2 girls.Now they both have getting better but their hate toward the boy have increase and increase everyday.Everyday by now the boy was happy just if he can see the girl from far...Sometime a little urgue can become worst or else even enemy for the rest of their life.Now everyone taught the boy are bad and didnt know the work that he had done...
I told this story to my friends at tuition..they also felt sorry for the boy....got to sleep..
As 1 pair of couple are happy passing their time..just as they notice that the girl's friends are angry with her as she seldom join them and always with her boyfriends,and they urgue.2 days later the boys recieve a msg by the girl asking whether they can become friend but not boy friend,the boy say 'ok'..the boy try to make her happy so he purposely go to mall to buy the bottle that she like..he even have a special idea what he is going to put inside the bottle to make her happier...finally he drawn a picture of her..he keep on drawing and drawing,because he is not so good at it..he drawn it badly..he ask his friend to help him,finally he did it..he even write some word on the paper... :
This is the paper inside the bottle..he suppose to give it to her...but he dont dare and she girl have give him so clue that they both are ordinary plan.On the other day,while the boy went out and fetch his friend's sister,and those form 2 girl keep on ceering the boy...as they know what happen to the boy...They also give some advice to the boy,and he went home and think...Finally he think of something might help the girl and her friends to be a friends back.As the following week he ignore the girl,but actually he very care her.And there goes some chance...Her friends know that they have broke and the boys keep on doing the bad guy to make the girl's friends hate angry him,and surely they both will automaticly say about the boy and they both be friends back,as for the sacrifice of the boy to be a bad guy was not waste..He purposely pretend to be a bad guy just for the 2 girls.Now they both have getting better but their hate toward the boy have increase and increase everyday.Everyday by now the boy was happy just if he can see the girl from far...Sometime a little urgue can become worst or else even enemy for the rest of their life.Now everyone taught the boy are bad and didnt know the work that he had done...
I told this story to my friends at tuition..they also felt sorry for the boy....got to sleep..
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Wednesday|25 March|2009
Today have competition at SIC too,we almost get to take part on the final,but we just left a little...Actualy wat i plan have succed,to make them good back...until the begining while they havent know me...My plan works...but i dont wat write it here...wait that 'aa' write some stupid comment about it...just like a chicken wan post comment also dont dare to write real name,so scare meh...useless people....
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Tuesday|24 March|2009
This 2 days i having competition of olahraga at SIC[malays school],this 2 day also get very tired,yesterday i running for 1500 metres.Wah,so long..27 contestent and only 3 chinese,me,chung cheng and du zhong schoool de..Lucky that i get no 10,du zhong get no 5,chung cheng at behind me.Those guy duno eat what to grow so strong..Justnow while when we were going back our school bus tyre have punched,lucky me at there helping change it before i went home or else they will be late going home....2moro going again...tired...chao...
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Sunday|22 March|2009
Today i quite busy for the whole day.Starting have olahraga meeting at the first lesson,then need to find other member to give them the surat kebenaran,I already busy fot the whole day.Then in the affternoon hv Interact club some more,then have practice running.This practice make me nervous,I notice I become more worst,dno why...i feel i getting slower and heavier,as i know,while when you are happy you can run faster and further more..when you are sad,that is on the other hand...this is quite true for me..i realy having a hard time and this make me moodness all the time.At school i always pretend to be happy,and somemore I now thinking to be the 花花 and 坏坏 one..since bad guy propaly suit me more...and girls like bad one instead of good one...I buy new glasses again..this one quite nice too...And somemore i dont realy trust girls right now...
The one in the left is my new glasses
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Friday|20 March|2009
It already very late and already saturday but i still post this blog as fridays.While wake up early plan to play basketball,who knows..it cancel cause raining,then have breakfast with my mom then we went to have a look at the carity fair.It quite fun,then i decide to went out with my friends,we went to KB mall to look for some cloth.And some more yesterday I cant concentrate at tuition,keep on thinking some ways to make her happier…study is more important I think…sometime some place was just not suitable for us,as for me I hope I can get something make me happier…I don’t wish for rich or anything right now..just a simple happiness in me.I wont slimply show out what I realy feel of..usually I would hidden my sadness and show out some happiness but those just come out was not true.I cant concentrate really cannot,I just keep on thinking the way or why or how…Today quite have fun..saw my fren come back from hong kong,I meet her at tesco as me and my friends decide not to go to that concert,it quite bored and not realy have friends together either..her hair is the same as the watermeleon,her mom say that this hair only she have it and also a expensive cut a few hundred…it quite expensive too a cut at hong kong and look so funny…[=.=]...Just some how I at tuition think,may be I should take out the paper I wrote at that bottle and insert many many star that I should make it,I know she like moon better that star,but I duno how to make a nice moon with paper.Just now at tesco think some nice memories and make me sad de.Still remember the other she have a wonderfull lunch with me and KFC tesco,that time I realy felt happy,i hope she also do.May be i should not too trust girls..as for now i realy dissapointed toward girls,duno why..just have many reason make me think so..I may be blind in love but i have good learning experience,i will learn from my mistake,and some how i would not slimply choose someone to be my gf either,it not slimply pick but it should have feeling,may be those form 2 girls still not mature enough to know these thing...got to sleep...I have new sun glasses..2moro may be have new shoe..Ohh,it should be today...
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Thursday|19 March|2009
Quite late now,i just finish my gaming..I feel that I started had a fever..Dont care about it lah.Today i quite have the mood to write something,all start while when i accompany my friends to fetch her sister[form 2] at tuition.They have camp too,they also camp with bomba,who knows..they also heard some of my thing there.Another girl teach me that "男人不坏女人不爱" what she mean by that ?? that mean boys that are bad sure have people who like them,nonsence.The thing that i curious about is there was some girl which dont wan boys treat them good..how..how crazy they are..Once you step into a closer relationship sure the guy will care about the girls...Those form 2 girls say : 'why you always close those play play de girl' !!.How i know kah,i just hor hor and have feel only..I not very handsome like others,but i still have a ordinary face leh,i not as clever as Sc 1 student,but i in average class Sc 5...So...may be i just easy to be cheated lo...or 3 word 我...蠢....笨...瞎...Some msg that i recieve to proof that i fail.."我们一起讲清楚" whether on wat day on wat time i no need to write.I will try to open my eye as big as possible...my 6 sense always cant predict on these side..just predict on those serious method..
TAN WEI HOONG work hard on your study....
Oh,somemore..i think i will teach someone what i learn in school for this few years,every thing...especially FXXXT...but not relationship...learn from my lesson...
TAN WEI HOONG work hard on your study....
Oh,somemore..i think i will teach someone what i learn in school for this few years,every thing...especially FXXXT...but not relationship...learn from my lesson...
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Wednesday|18 March|2009
While,this week is the holidays week for us,many people went camping.As the result,I heard from my friends that because i treat her too good so she.....haiz...my right hand is full of wound every time i saw her.Not much that i wan to tell..Happy holidays...
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Saturday|14 March|2009
I wake up early today,just because wan to help her and see her at school.Yesterday night i prepare my tourch light,visel...instead she forget to bring,while she have bring and i no need take those thing out inside my pocket.Erm,all it start when i arrive school,she also just arrive..while the boys there are arranging the place to put the frozen chicken into the ice and they need to break the ice,suddenly i act out...i punch punch and punch into the ice..and sooner my hand bleed,it nothing while the bleed inside me is painer...She know my hand bleed but she look like dont care,and she told me she have nose bleeding last night.I also help all of them taking their thing into their bas,as i am a experience guy for camping thing,They start their journey at 7.30am.I was very worry about her,i keep on asking my friends to take care of her,there is 3 helping me...She arrive there at 9.30,i call chen shing for the imformation.Unfortunately,she didnt visited my blog...i think..i realy wish that she knew what i thinking...hope she is fine there..non stop image showing in my mind...
Friday, March 13, 2009
Friday|13 March|2009
Yesterday realy dont have the mood,but i still can control my feeling while dota..Just when i start to lock my negative feeling..my 6 sense..sense something bad,my heart keep on nervous...Please dont happen to me...who knows...it just happen moment ago...I cant sleep last night,keep on thinking...and thinking..may be we started too fast..or may be because of her urgue with her friends...I wont blame them if were their fault..luckily i already throw out m feeling...i wan to be a non feeling guy...need to be cold...now is not the suitable time for me to ride my motorcyle...I wish to ride it,but i not dare to have another accident to happen again...
Anyway,my 6 sense realy exis...and it help me sometime...I will wait...i not a giving up person
Anyway,my 6 sense realy exis...and it help me sometime...I will wait...i not a giving up person
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Wednesday|11 March|2009
Today is a sport days for our school.I have to run for 2 round and i get 2nd place...not bad too...I dont realy care about others thing..dont even have the mood to.Now my friends are urgue among each other,is just a small thing,why they just let it go.I realy dont hv the mood to wwrite more..i just show the picture
As you know...our yellow house win again...it already 4 years continue...
Here were us who having fun shouting and playing...
While this picture take in my class " jia ling..yvonne..me..szabi..tabeah"
As you know...our yellow house win again...it already 4 years continue...
Here were us who having fun shouting and playing...
While this picture take in my class " jia ling..yvonne..me..szabi..tabeah"
After we swimming...we decide to have a group photo...
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Tuesday|10 March|2009
I having a bad day today,but it still happy during 7.00am.Then hv the usual class lesson.While in the affternoon I hv competition of high jump,I dissapointed that i get No 5,as my leg start to pain..At first we jump at about the height is 145cm.I am the first one who pass it,while they all keep their energy,then 1 of each rumah is been disqualified except yakin,there still me and my friends.Then we try on 150cm,i still pass it,but at that time my leg start pain liao lo..not fair...I still remember,after i fail jumping..the whole body of my vibrate...just like the phone...Starting we try at 153cm,this is where I cant pass...I not weak,is them who too strong,leg long,spring high...i am just a normal guy leh...My leg still paining,planning to win for 2moro 2 round...Dont care..just speed....Ahhhhh...!!!!
And some more my number is 701..hv my month 10 and my date 7...
And some more my number is 701..hv my month 10 and my date 7...
Monday, March 9, 2009
Monday|09 March|2009
Today is school holiday,we planned to swim at renaissance hotel.As the result,6 of us swim : me,yvonne,chee yong,jacinth,tabeah[exchange student] and szabi[new friend]...Because if our kepo,we know szabi at Mc donald,sure not me the first one who know him,is they who introduce him to me.It started when after chee yong come to my house then we went to hv our breakfast at jacinth's shop then fetch 2 other girl and szabi to renaissance then we wait for tabeah at lobby there.Yeah,about 12 we start swim,we swim for 2 hours.All of us are freezing there,but it is worthy as i can get close..after that we went to kb mall to hv or lunch...our late lunch..we having our lunch at noodle station,then we walk around and we go to the fitness center just infront of the popular....Then after that we went home...I hv 2 tuition after i went mall...so tired...
Friday, March 6, 2009
Friday|06 March|2009[Part 2]
Just now went to mall,as a result.There is no one celebrating,may be they celebrate at the affternoon may be going to celebrate 2moro or may be this sunday.I miss my relative who stay at singapore,since i was small,they realy treated me very good.Planning to be a exchange student and went to japan after my SPM.This few day i keep on thinking the past,the happy moment,this make me comfortable. and there is something predict about me...about october,half of it is almost the same...
------------ ---OCTOBER BABY ------------ -------
Loves to chat. Loves those who love them. Loves to takes things at the centre. Inner and physical beauty. Lies but doesn't pretend.. Gets angry often. Treats friends importantly. Brave and fearless. Always making friends. Easily hurt but recovers easily.. Daydreamer. Opinionated. Does not care to control emotions. Unpredictable.Extremely smart, but definitely the hottest AND sexiest of them all.

Here they are...
------------ ---OCTOBER BABY ------------ -------
Loves to chat. Loves those who love them. Loves to takes things at the centre. Inner and physical beauty. Lies but doesn't pretend.. Gets angry often. Treats friends importantly. Brave and fearless. Always making friends. Easily hurt but recovers easily.. Daydreamer. Opinionated. Does not care to control emotions. Unpredictable.Extremely smart, but definitely the hottest AND sexiest of them all.

Here they are...
Friday|06 March|2009[Part 1]
Today is a day that make me unhappy,I know who is going to the mall and with who.Today is someone's birthday.I know i going to meet someone there,that why i not going out today even have replacement of tuition just opposit of Mall.Actually what we know about love,people always say i like him/her,what did they realy like..their face ? as they pretty or handsome...their talent,either they good at sport or study ? Some did say that "duno why,just have feeling.." As i know,when you like someone or you in a relationship,it can be sweet or bitter to you...while when you realy success being together with someone you like then that sure sweet.On the other hand,while you been reject or see someone you like stay together with him/her,you will realy feel bitter,sad or pain in the heart.So what is the purpose to have a boyfriends or girlfriends ? Mainly reason is to take care of each other.While if the non-reasonable reason will be what ? Showing off ? Just for fun ? or else most of them dont know for what.While when last time,i will be happy just by seing her from far away...no need to stay close,but now i already forget about it.I like to freeze..especialy freeze my negatif feeling,all of you will just see my positif feeling the noisy and crazy part of me.If i show out my negatif feeling,it will seen that i were weak.Dont ask me any question that i write here,as for me i also dont know.
Sometime i good to be truth,but always the truth is too hard to be believe by your friends,then they think you lie.Sometime it is good to lie your friends just dont want them to get hurt,been a human is so difficult.The teacher always say "three days to learn bad,three years to learn good".Recently I try to be good,by telling them to run,if not someone will write name and hand it over to the teacher.They thought I am the one who write the name,actually i only wish to write a boy's name,as he realy too over dy.Someone purposely pour cola on my bike while i having Mc donald while lunch time with yvonne.She such a nice person,realy having a good time with her.
Sometime i good to be truth,but always the truth is too hard to be believe by your friends,then they think you lie.Sometime it is good to lie your friends just dont want them to get hurt,been a human is so difficult.The teacher always say "three days to learn bad,three years to learn good".Recently I try to be good,by telling them to run,if not someone will write name and hand it over to the teacher.They thought I am the one who write the name,actually i only wish to write a boy's name,as he realy too over dy.Someone purposely pour cola on my bike while i having Mc donald while lunch time with yvonne.She such a nice person,realy having a good time with her.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Tuesday|03 March|2009
Finally we finish our competition,I wont be so busy anymore.Will i wont say our class is the best,but we realy do our best...I like some of the liric..it quite nice...Yesterday i went home when it raining...i wet...wet and wet.whole shirt is wet...and pain too as i driving and the rain is falling fast...and today another day i been crazy again...i having 2 cup of ice cream in a rainy day..and i play the water which raining...haha.................................................saw something sad...so it make me annouying...
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